Discover the Hidden World of Casino Advantage Play: Strategies and Tips from the Pros

You can walk away with big wins using mathematical or statistical methods to increase your chances of winning. And the best part? You can practice your advantage play strategies with free online casino games before risking any real money. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most effective advantage play strategies and tips from the pros.

Are you tired of constantly losing at the casino and leaving with an empty wallet? Do you want to learn the pros’ secrets and gain an edge over the house? Look no further as we uncover the hidden world of casino advantage play!

What is Casino Advantage Play?

Casino advantage play refers to a set of techniques and strategies that players use to gain an advantage over the casino. These strategies include card counting, shuffle tracking, edge sorting, and more.

While casino advantage play is legal, it is often frowned upon by casinos. That’s because it can cost them millions of dollars in lost revenue. As a result, many casinos will go to great lengths to identify and deter advantage players.

However, you can use these strategies and walk away as a winner if you’re smart and disciplined.

The Pros of Advantage Play

One of the most significant advantages of advantage play is that it can significantly increase your odds of winning. For example, card counting in blackjack can give you a 1-2% edge over the house. This might not sound much, but it can add up over time.

Another advantage is that many advantage play techniques can be used in online casinos, where you can play free online casino games. This allows you to practice your skills without risking any money. Once confident in your abilities, you can take your skills to the physical casino.

Strategies and Tips from the Pros

Here are some of the most popular advantage play techniques used by pros:

Card Counting

Card counting is a technique used in blackjack to determine when the deck is in the player’s favor. The player keeps track of the cards that have been dealt and assigns a value to each card. When the deck is in the player’s favor, they can increase their bet size, which increases their chances of winning.

Shuffle Tracking

Shuffle tracking involves keeping track of the cards as they are shuffled. This can help players predict which cards will be dealt next and increase their chances of winning. However, this technique requires a lot of practice and is not easy to master.

Hole Carding

Hole carding involves trying to see the dealer’s hole card in games such as blackjack. If players can see the dealer’s hole card, they can make more informed decisions about their hand and increase their chances of winning.

Edge Sorting

Edge sorting involves identifying flaws in the design of playing cards and using them to gain an advantage. For example, if the back of the card has a subtle pattern that is not perfectly centered, an advantage player can use this to identify certain cards.

Tips from the Pros

Advantage play is not for everyone and requires a lot of time and effort to master. However, it can be a highly lucrative strategy for those willing to put in the work. Here are some tips from the pros:

  • Start with free online casino games: Practice your advantage play strategies with free online casino games before playing for real money. This will allow you to hone your skills without risking any money. You can play free slot games at Bockspin Gaming as much as you want to.
  • Research the rules of the game: To be successful at advantage play, you need to have a deep understanding of the rules of the game you’re playing. Take the time to research and learn the ins and outs of the game.
  • Keep a low profile: Casinos are not fond of advantage players, so keeping a low profile is essential to avoid being detected. Don’t draw attention to yourself; avoid making big bets or acting suspiciously.
  • Don’t get greedy: Advantage play is about gaining a slight edge over the casino. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it’s important to remember that you won’t win every time. Set realistic goals, and avoid getting greedy.
  • Know when to quit: Advantage play is not without risks, and knowing when to quit is important. If you’re on a losing streak or feel like you’re being watched, it’s best to walk away.


Advantage play can be a highly effective strategy for increasing your chances of winning at the casino. However, it requires a lot of time and effort to master, and it’s not without risks. If you’re willing to work and follow the tips from the pros, you could potentially walk away with a big win. Remember to start with free online casino games at Blockspin Gaming to practice your skills before playing for real money. Simply sign up here and start playing!