Gambling History: Why are Slot Machines Called “One-Armed Bandit”?

When you think of slot machines, you may immediately picture a colorful, flashing box with a lever on one side and spinning reels. But did you ever wonder why these machines are often called “one-armed bandits”? In this article, we’ll dive into the history behind this nickname and uncover its origin.

To understand the origin of the term “one-armed bandit,” we need to take a step back and explore the early days of slot machines. The first slot machines were invented in the late 19th century and featured simple mechanical designs. Players would insert a coin and pull a lever to spin the reels, typically adorned with playing card symbols.

These early machines were not widely popular. Many associated slots with illegal gambling and viewed it as a form of vice. However, the invention of electric slots in the 1930s changed everything. These machines featured more intricate designs and offered bigger payouts, making them more appealing to the masses.

The Origin of the Nickname “One-Armed Bandit” for Slot Machines

As slot machines became more popular, so did their associated nicknames. One of slot machines’ most well-known and enduring nicknames is the “one-armed bandit.” But where did this nickname come from?

There are a few theories about the origin of the term. One theory is that it refers to the lever on the side of the machine, which players would pull to spin the reels. This lever was often called the “one arm” of the machine. The lever required a physical effort from the player to operate it. The “bandit” part of the nickname comes from the idea that the machine took players’ money without giving much back in return.

Another theory suggests that the media coined the term “one-armed bandit” in the early 20th century to describe the slot machines prevalent in bars and saloons. People often associated these machines with criminal activity and viewed them as a form of robbery by some members of society. Society may have used the term “bandit” to highlight the perceived criminality of the machines.

The Legacy of the “One-Armed Bandit” Nickname for Slot Machines

Regardless of its exact origin, the nickname “one-armed bandit” has become an enduring part of slot machine lore. Even as modern machines have moved away from the physical lever and towards digital buttons and touchscreens, the nickname remains in use.

The term has even made its way into popular culture. References to the “one-armed bandit” appear in movies, TV shows, and books. For example, in the classic film “The Sting,” the main characters use a rigged slot machine to con a mob boss out of his money.

In recent years, some casinos and game developers have embraced the “one-armed bandit” nickname. They have used the nickname to add a retro flair to their machines. Some slot machines even feature a physical lever alongside their digital buttons. All this to harkening back to the early days of technology.


The history of the “one-armed bandit” nickname is a fascinating look into the early days of slot machines. This includes the cultural attitudes toward them. Whether you believe the term comes from the lever on the side of the machine or the criminal associations with early gambling, there’s no denying that it has become a lasting part of the slot machine’s legacy. Even as the technology behind slot machines continues to evolve, the “one-armed bandit” remains an icon of the gambling world.